Use "despoil|despoiled|despoiling|despoils" in a sentence

1. Others oppose not the existence of the Church, nor indeed could they; yet they despoil her of the nature and rights of a perfect society, and maintain that it does not belong to her to legislate, to judge, or to punish, but only to exhort, to advise, and to rule her subjects in accordance with their own consent and will. By such opinion they pervert the nature of this divine society, and attenuate and narrow its authority, its office of teacher, and its whole efficiency; and at the same time they aggrandize the power of the civil government to such extent as to subject the Church of God to the empire and sway of the State, like any voluntary association of citizens.

D'autre part, elle recommande aux citoyens, à l'égard de la puissance légitime, la soumission comme aux représentants de Dieu; elle les unit aux chefs de l'Etat par les liens, non seulement de l'obéissance, mais du respect et de l'amour, leur interdisant la révolte et toutes les entreprises qui peuvent troubler l'ordre et la tranquillité de l'Etat, et qui, en résumé, donnent occasion de comprimer, par des restrictions plus fortes, la liberté des citoyens.